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Now Is Not the Time to Settle

Our times are in His Hand -Ps 31:15a

Can you believe this is October...whew….time waits on no one…doesn’t matter what’s going on or not going on…time continues… People are still getting married, babies are still being born, and someone started a new business…someone expanded their ministry…

The challenge is to remain in assignment. In Purpose…because I don’t believe that ever changes. Whatever you and I were called to do prior to March 2020 …if indeed commissioned by God Still Stands.

DON’T SETTLE Maybe our idea of what it looked like has been updated…however the call is the call. It demands that we press in…seeking wisdom, insight and instruction.

So in everything you do…do it as unto the Lord. Cultivate the fruit of the Spirit and above all guard your heart…because your life flows from it. Don’t be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Seek the Kingdom and Dominate in your sphere of influence, wherever that is and whatever that looks like. You may not be called to the world…but you are called to Your World. 

Never forget that you have all the resources of heaven at your disposal for whatever the task.

Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Stay informed but not consumed. Be prepared but not scared.

Be the light 

I am praying for you.


Are you ready to turbo charge 4th Quarter and Crush Your Goal? We're at it again. Join me for the 7 Day - Get it Done Challenge. We're kicking off October 20th. CLICK HERE for more info and to join.


Jacqueline is an Independent Certified Coach, Speaker, Trainer with the John Maxwell Team

CEO and Founder of Heart2Heart Empowerment 

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