We’ve all heard the statement, “Seeing is Believing” or I’ll believe when I see it… how many times have you said that…
On our journey of creating the life we want…we have to approach this in a different way…we have to BELIEVE first…Why...because BELIEF drives Behavior… So you have to believe first…before you see it. Remember this…
You cannot seize that which you cannot see.
Dr. Myles Munroe would often say…that many look…but few see…and it took me some time pondering this statement…over the years before I really begin to understand what he meant…but he’s really talking about faith.
Faith SEES what hasn’t been manifested in the natural yet…it deals with what exists, but is invisible. The minute you manifest something faith is no longer required because faith is believing, conceiving and releasing (speaking) until… you receive what you desire.
In his book “Releasing Your Potential” the late Dr. Myles Munroe says "That faith in someone or something requires unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence from the one in whom you have faith".
Many look… but few see….
After you BELIEVE what you desire… is possible…you must begin to SEE (conceive) it in your life… conceive per Webster: means to become pregnant with, to take into one's mind
to form a conception of : IMAGINE, to apprehend by reason or imagination : UNDERSTAND
“Looking and seeing are two very different things”.
LOOKING regards the outward appearance… while SEEING considers the existence of things that are not yet visible.
Many look… but few see….
You must ACT as though you already have what you requested. Belief drives behavior….
After you can see something you have to release it. The Law of Creation: In Genesis, God looked at that darkness and saw light. Although the light existed it was not made visible until God spoke it into being.
What do you believe….Can you SEE it? Once You SEE it…RELEASE IT!....Speak it….and keep on speaking it…until… it manifest….If you never SEE yourself… healthy… If you never SEE yourself wealthy… If you never SEE a great marriage, if you never see that successful business or ministry… you will never seize it….you will never possess it…you will never manifest it…
Remember this starts with BELIEVING…Let me ask you a question….What IF….what if it is possible?
Your assignment this week: when you’re looking at the different situations, circumstances, your dreams and your desires…give them hope…instead of saying “I can’t, I don’t know how”, it’s not possible… flip the script…sow some hope into it…say “How Can I” Say…”What if I did know”, or who knows, how can I find out or who can I ask…Say….hmmm…what if it is possible…what would it look like….start imagining it….
Give your dream, your hope, your situation whatever it is…give it a chance to LIVE…to grow…to manifest…don’t kill it/or abort it with your thoughts, and your words…Only Believe…start there.
Faith is the catalyst that makes things happen in life. It lifts you above the outward evidence of your life and empowers you to bring light out of darkness.
Remember, you will receive whatever you believe. If you expect trouble, you will get it. If you trust and expect that something good can come out of your distressing circumstances, sooner or later…you will SEE evidence.
You have so much more let us have it!