Last month we talked about focusing our faith and whatever it takes. We're staying right there and now with that focused faith...we will persist until...however long it takes.
Listen...It takes however long it takes. I love how the late Jim Rohn put it, He asked the question "How long would you give the average baby to walk before you said okay ENOUGH"? Now I'm asking you, how long would the baby try walking before giving up? That baby will not give up and neither will you.
So how long do we PERIST for our dreams, our goals, our families, our marriages, our cities, our state, our country? UNTIL
For some people just hearing the word persistence brings about a sensation or image of struggle, of unending effort or challenge that has to be endured.

Join me with
Pastor Diane Saunders and Pastor Tiffany Robinson for the
March Heart2Heart Roundtable
as we continue the discussion on Understanding Toxic Emotions.
Sunday, March 21, 2021 6PM CST
This is a Facebook/zoom live discussion. Zoom link will be provided closer to the event.
Join us in our FREE Leading in Life Facebook Community

Join me for daily devotion as we journey through "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. 7:00 am CST . Click here to join
Jacqueline is an Independent Certified Coach, Speaker, Trainer with the John Maxwell Team
Top 20 Nominee for the John Maxwell Team Culture Award
CEO and Founder of Heart2Heart Empowerment
Author of Bringing Every Thought Captive and
Founder of Seed of Hope Foundation